Solita renewed board of directors to support its growth strategy

Thursday 16.05.2013

Solita has renewed its board of directors in conjunction with the buy-out transaction announced in March 2013. The new chairman Mr. Hannu Vaajoensuu has extensive experience in managing rapid international growth in the ICT industry and currently also serves as the chairman of Basware Plc.

Other members of the board include Mr. Kari Neilimo, who has served as a member since 2007. New members include Mr. Petri Parvinen, professor of Sales management at Aalto University, and Mr. Matti Oksanen, a partner at Vapa Media. The majority owner Vaaka Partners appointed partners Mr. Panu Vuorela and Mr. Ilkka Pentikäinen as members.

”We live in a period of digital transformation. The whole society is becoming digital, and with that, a new market opportunity for digital business is emerging rapidly. Our role is to help our customers to digitalize their businesses. My vision is that Solita will be the leading digital business consulting and services company in Finland during the next 2-3 years. Support from the board members has a substantial role in making this vision a reality”, says Solita’s CEO Mr. Jari Niska.

”I am excited to accept the chairmanship at Solita. Solita is an extremely interesting company with a bold but credible growth strategy. I believe I can help the company achieve its goals, together with the other board members”, states the new chairman Mr. Hannu Vaajoensuu.

”The new board composition addresses the company’s needs for senior expertize in managing growth, high performance sales, digital marketing and strategic management”, Mr. Niska continues.

The new chairman Mr. Vaajoensuu has over 30 years of experience in running international software businesses. He is one of the founders of Basware Plc and currently serves as the chairman. He also serves in the board of directors at Dover Group Plc, Comptel Plc and The Federation of Finnish Technology Industries. D.Sc. Mr. Kari Neilimo is the ex. president of the largest retail group in Finland, the S-Group, and currently serves as the chairman of YLE, the national broadcasting company, as well as the University of Tampere. Mr. Petri Parvinen is the first professor of sales management in Finland, holding the chair at the Aalto University. Mr. Matti Oksanen is a partner at Vapa Media, Finland’s first agency specialized in content strategy and content marketing, and has previously held senior leadership positions in Publicis Group and Euro RSCG.

New company ownership to accelerate growth strategy

The private equity investor Vaaka Partners and the management team acquired Solita’s entire share capital in March 2013. Solita targets to double its current revenue of MEUR 27 by 2015. Historically, the company already doubled its revenue during 2010-2012.

”This transaction provides the opportunity to further accelerate our growth strategy. We want to be able to raise to our customers’ challenges and offer them even better solutions to digitalize and grow their business. We will strengthen our service offering in digital business and business intelligence & analytics solutions for leading Finnish corporations and public sector organizations. The continuous recruitment of top talent is critical and it is one of the cornerstones of our continued success”, concludes Niska.

Further info:

Solita Oy
Jari Niska, CEO
tel. +358 40-5246 400, jari.niska(at)

Hannu Vaajoensuu, chairman
tel. +358 40-5018 250, hannu.vaajoensuu(at)

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