Fysios grows with five new deals

Thursday 16.06.2016

In five transactions SelkäCenter from Helsinki, Fysioterapiakeskus Kunnon Klinikka and Terapia-team from Tampere, Neljäs Nikama from Kotka and Tutkimuslaitos Ergos from Pori have joined Fysios, the largest physiotherapy chain in Finland. The management and employees of the companies will continue with Fysios. Through these acquisitions, Fysios expands its service offering to cover for the first time also child and adolescent physiotherapy.

Over a million Finns have are suffering from some illness related to musculoskeletal system, affecting their daily physical activity and ability to function. However, most of the knee or back and neck area pains, for example, could be solved with physiotherapy already as they appear. Pasi Syrjä, manager of Fysios, sees that there is a considerable gap between the supply and need for physiotherapy services in Finland.

“The need for physiotherapy services has for quite some time increased in a way that the public health sector is unable to meet”, remarks Pasi Syrjä and continues: “Our goal is to build Fysios into the sector’s most important player that will bring the whole field of physiotherapy forward in close cooperation with the Finnish medical profession. The transactions now completed will add operational excellence, widen our operations to cover 22 cities and add child and adolescent physiotherapy into our service offering.”

Anja Henttinen, managing director of SelkäCenter, sees that joining Fysios will bring major benefits for operations development. “By combining the wealth of experience in Fysios nationwide chain with our local excellence, we will be able to significantly deepen our service offering. With this deal, we will have better resources to grow in the Helsinki region, to offer our people more training opportunities and to bring the whole field forward”, Anja Henttinen summarizes.

With these transactions, Fysios net revenue increases to circa 18.5 million euros.

New mobile application urges to get better

Often the healing process of a client suffering from pains slows down between physiotherapy sessions, as the exercise plan is neglected at home. With a new mobile application, Fysios will be able to control and monitor the home exercise plan throughout the duration of treatment, which will further improve the results gained from physiotherapy.

“We want to be a reliable partner and offer value-added services for our clients in the future, too. One example of this is the mobile application developed by Fysios to support and follow up on the development of our clients’ condition between physiotherapy sessions, to be introduced in autumn 2016”, says Pasi Syrjä. “With the launch of this service, the help of our physiotherapist will be available right there where our client is. At the same time, our ability to take care of our customer promises will be further enhanced.”

Additional information:

Pasi Syrjä, Founding partner, Fysios, tel. +358 50 568 1575, pasi.syrja(a)fysios.fi

Fysios is a new domestic, national physiotherapy chain, with 45 places of business in 22 cities. It employs approximately 250 physiotherapists. Fysios net revenue is circa 18.5 million euros. Fysios aims to help half a million Finns by year 2020. The managers of Fysios are founding partners Heikki Tiitinen and Pasi Syrjä. Heikki Tiitinen is responsible for operations and Pasi Syrjä for business development. The main shareholder of the group is Vaaka Partners. Other owners are the entrepreneurs who have joined Fysios. For more information: www.fysios.fi

The post Fysios grows with five new deals appeared first on Vaaka Partners.


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